The world is full of opportunities, time to let others know the skills and experience you have.

Interesting animation, again happy that they shared some of the techniques for this short.

3D software used: Autodesk Softimage ICE


Client: Skoda
Agency: Leagas Delaney Praha
Production Company: weareflink@Bakery Films
Director: weareflink
Creative Lead: Niko Tziopanos
Executive Producer: Andreas Lampe, Florian Sigl
Producer: Karsten Müller, Tini Schwarz
Lead CG Artist & Compositing: Moritz Gläsle
CG Artists: Nils Engler, Stefan Galleithner, Phillip von Preuschen, Martin Sächsinger, Christian Schnellhammer, Alex Heyer, Niko Tziopanos
Compositing: Moritz Gläsle, Markus Gratl, Alexander von der Lippe
Music & Sound Design: Supreme Music, Hamburg

Paper Folding in ICE 1

Paper folding in ICE 2

ICE – Spline Shape Interpolator